Tag Archives: quote

Corona-Warn-App in den Nachrichten

Weltweit geht es tatsächlich jetzt richtig los.

Christian Drosten / faz.net / welt.de / zeit.de

Wenn 75 Prozent aller Menschen die App benutzen, könnte das die Todesfälle um bis zu 78 Prozent verringern, die Infektionsrate gar um 81 Prozent. […] Tausende von Leben könnten gerettet werden. 

Corona-Warn-Apps: Lebensretter oder nicht? (heise.de)

“Smartphone contact tracing failed”

Governments in Europe and North America need to consider critically why they are failing to engage the public. Lack of trust is one obvious issue which has limited the adoption of smartphone apps, but those apps don’t appear to have been designed to be effective for Public Health either. It would appear that no government has thought this out properly yet.

(from “Smartphone contact tracing has failed everywhere”)